Team 4 Norms


In our first meeting as a team, we defined key norms to keep everyone excited and up-to-date.

  1. Define roles and responsibilities based on upcoming assignments in the Saturday meeting.
  2. Make decisions by unanimous consent for the big picture, simple majority for small weekly things.
  3. Discuss anything bothering us in the last week at the start of the Saturday meeting, if not when it comes up.
  4. Debate frequently.
  5. Check Slack.
  6. After meetings, restate decisions and task assignments in Slack.
  7. Update task assignment threads with progress.
  8. React to acknowledge assignments and meeting times in Slack.
  9. Normalize the @ (Slack).
  10. Communicate timing conflicts on Slack.
  11. It’s okay to be late.
  12. Do your best to attend the Saturday meeting.

